December 7, 2020
November 27, 2020
Black Friday, While corporations make big money off selling items for “low low prices,” the majority of the people working on Black Friday make low low wages and do not have paid sick leave. #PaidSickLeaveNow
November 5, 2020
OLÉ Congratulates our New House and Senate! New Mexicans have sent a loud and clear message” we are ready to build a healthy New Mexico today for a strong New Mexico tomorrow. Putting hard-working New Mexicans at the center of policies should be a priority for our new legislature, and OLé is ready to work with our newly elected House and Senate to pass priority legislation: paid sick leave, Constitutional Amendment for Early Education, as well as protecting reproductive rights for all, expanding and protecting healthcare for all New Mexicans, conservation efforts that will protect New Mexico’s precious natural resources as well as ensure that all communities benefit from New Mexico’s transition to renewable energy, and strengthening and expanding voting rights to formerly incarcerated people as well as young people. We’re ready. Are you?
For press inquiries, please contact
Leila Salim, Communications Manager
With each policy win, we know the work continues and change happens with our community. Get involved!