For 16 years—as long as we have been around—OLÉ has been fighting for early childhood education. Childcare is very expensive, and early childcare educators have a high turnover rate because they don’t earn a living wage. One solution was to use a small part of New Mexico’s multi-billion dollar Land Grant Permanent Fund for early childhood education. The first bill to do this was introduced in 2010 and our members fought hard every year to get it passed. Finally, in 2022, the bill passed the legislature to make it onto the ballot statewide, and 70% of voters approved Amendment 1, making New Mexico the first state to guarantee a right to early childhood education with steady funding.

Today, OLÉ continues to push for more investment in early education across the state. We demand higher wages for early educators—at least $18/hour—and a wage and career lattice that rewards their experience and education. Early educators must be able to advance in their careers so that New Mexico families can rely on a robust and stable workforce to care for their youngest children.
OLÉ organizes with our parents, families and community to fight for quality childcare for all children and fair wages for early educators. We need every voice in this fight – including yours.
With each policy win, we know the work continues and change happens with our community. Get involved!