Inclusive Democracy
Centering communities of color in democracy reform is a way in which OLÉ is working toward creating a truly inclusive democracy. Policy change, electing leaders who represent our communities and taking big money out of politics are ways in which communities become engaged in the political process at every level. In an era where voting rights are being stripped away and voter turnout among people of color is alarmingly low, OLÉ engages members, community and ally organizations in order to create independent political power rooted in racial, gender and economic justice. OLÉ also engages with policy makers, testifying at the state legislature, city council and county commission. Rather than view civic engagement as a spectator sport, members play a vital role in creating a local government that serves the community rather than allowing big money to shape policy.
Automatic Voter Registration, Same Day Voter Registration, Voting Rights Restoration for people formerly incarcerated, a Permanent Absentee Voter List, and the Native American Voting Rights Act are all a reality in New Mexico because our community and allies keep up the fight for our rights, equity, and access to the polls so that every voice can be heard.

Election Resources
Voting is a vital tool for protecting our democracy and creating change in our state. This page has important information about voting in New Mexico and links to help you find the information you’re looking for.
The next election: Nov 5th, 2025 Local Elections
Deadline for voter registration by mail/online: October 7, 2025
With each policy win, we know the work continues and change happens with our community. Get involved!